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Start Making Money Online With Adsense


what are the purpose you coming online ? are you getting information ? playing games online? see celebrity picture? posting in forum ?
I have often meet people who called them is new comer to internet marketin in forum that they all aspire to make big money online like some body we all well known as a successfull internet marketers. Unfortunately, most of them not willing or be afraid to take out some money in their online business.therefore many of them are stop in the middle. However, it is almost impossible to begin a online business or internet business without spending some funds. Example capital to buy e book, buy domain, hosting and so on. But if you are really new to internet it's possible to try the free way, here is some simple way guide how to build your online business with spending Zero dollar.

how to make money online with adsense almot free for every one. or i can say you need no money to start make money. first of all you, you must knowing your self. Imean that you must know what ability that you have on your self. you can know this with your daily activity, what is your hobbies, what is your language, the purpose is to pick out a niche market because of talking making money online is about talking niche market.

For example, your hobby is playing quitar, you can write article on how to play quitar correctly and you teach people to playing quitar. So you don't need to spend some money for this because you already have this ability.turn over you ability to make money online next step, make online your article that you've write it. to do this you must learn basic on technical problems in other word you must make a blog or a site for the simple and for free you can start with blogger.com it's very simple to use blogger as your first website. just say you have finished that step, and you have apply google adsense account it is absolutely free.

Then the most difficult step, drive traffic to you new blog. this is need extra time and your attention. talking about traffic i just simplified it into 2 types traffic *search engine traffic this traffic is all webmaster and internet marketers love it. This is targeted traffic and if you get alot from this traffic you can make alot of money with your adsense, to do this you must learn more about search engine optimation (SEO) *social traffic social traffic is traffic that you get from social site, like digg.com technorati.com and so-on to get this traffic just post your content in their site, if people like your content it just need a little time to drive massive traffic to your site.

that's all, just simple thing you should do to make money online and slowly you will see money come on your account. but you must remember that however this is simple, you need Consistency to do it, the most important is write your article, always write unique and original content. beside people like it search engine love it too. if you just use copy paste content it is no longer for you to make money online becaus you will get dumped by search engine. i think enough for this, next i will write more specific all element we need to make money online and every people google adsense account it is absolutely free and every people can do it with put spending alot of money.

READ MORE - Start Making Money Online With Adsense

Make 100 $ with Adsense, Anyone can Do it?


AdSense is Google's ad serving program that allows webmasters to make money from their websites by displaying AdSense ads on their pages and getting paid every time someone clicks on those ads. Sounds easy right? A straight forward online business model that should help make anyone financially free.
So why are there so many people struggling to make money with AdSense?
The program is easy enough to understand and the rules are clear.
The truth is anyone can make money form AdSense as long as they follow certain basic rules and principles
Read the terms of service of Google AdSense program. This is really basic but in the excitement of finding a program that sounds great and has such potential, it is easy to forget to read the TOS in detail. Reading this has a few benefits.
  • Avoid getting banned. It is easy to stray out of the terms of service of AdSense and getting banned can be the result. Once banned, it is nigh impossible to get your account reinstated. Google are very clear that the protection of their advertisers is of paramount importance. and jut in case you were wondering, AdSense accounts getting banned for breach of terms is a not too uncommon thing.
  • Learn about AdSense page. Google has actually provided tips on how to maximize income form your AdSense campaigns. They teach you how to set things up and what seems to work best.

Website content. There are certain things about your website content that you need to pay attention to.

  • Unique content. This improves your site's performance in the search engines and also enhances your readers experience.
  • Keywords or niche. You really need to make sure that it is easy for the AdSense code to determine what it is your webpage is about. The point of google AdSense is to display ads that are relevant to the content of your webpages. This way people interested in your content are also likely to be interested in what the ads are showing. If the code cannot decipher what your webpage is about you could end up with adverts that have no relevance to your content and therefore your visitors. or worse still end up with public service ads. These earn you no income


  • Targeted Traffic. Targeted traffic simply means attracting visitors who ARE interested in your website's content. And you need lots of it on a day to day basis. If you consider that the amount of money you get paid per click is in cents and not dollars, you begin to understand the number of visitors you will need to make a decent income from AdSense. This really is a game of numbers
  • Search engine traffic. In my experience, the best type of traffic for AdSense sites. Search engine optimisation and good search engine position for a bunch of keywords really makes a big difference to your AdSense earnings. Search engine traffic tends to convert well. Simply because the web surfer has typed in exactly what he wants to see in the browser and up comes your website.
Website size.
Anecdotally and from personal experience, larger websites tend to do better with AdSense than the 4 or 5 page website. I suppose that with all the content in the multipage website, your likelihood of attracting an adequate amount of traffic and ranking well for some keywords are better. However there is the case for having multiple small websites. Each of the websites will only bring a small amount of revenue but a large network of these sites could make a significant impact on your earnings.
So in conclusion, anyone can make money form Google's AdSense program if you are willing to put in the effort it takes to build high quality information websites.
READ MORE - Make 100 $ with Adsense, Anyone can Do it?

Secret of Adsense, How Getting Targeted Ads ?


AdSense publishers make money by getting clicks on the ads which display on their websites. There are many ways to build profitable AdSense websites, but too often webmasters complain that they are not getting the right kind of ads to display, or their clicks are extremely low paying. So forums and message boards are constantly filled with the same types of questions: How do I make AdSense perform better on my site?

And the answer is quite simple. It really is all about the content. AdSense is a contextual advertising service. This means it is specifically designed to show ads which it feels are related to the content it finds on your pages. And there are certain types of content on a website page which will carry more weight than others, so the AdSense system may display ads based on small portions of your page instead of the entire thing.

One of the most common problems new webmasters have is when they set up a blog to run AdSense on. They quickly find that no matter how much content they add to the site, the AdSense ads insist on running ads about blogging - even if this blog has nothing to do with blogging itself.

The reason this happens is usually caused due to something in the content of your pages. It's often related to the title of a website page, the meta tags on that page, or the headers being used on the pages. Let's look at this in more detail...

1. Website titles.

Each page of your website should always have a unique title that is specifically related to the content on your page. The title of a website page can be seen at the very top of your website browser when you visit the page. If your website title has the word "blog" in it, you increase the chances of AdSense thinking your site is about blogging, thus is may start showing ads all about blogging.

So instead of creating a website or web page title which says "My blog", try changing that to something that relates to the content of your blog. If you're writing about your weight loss success for instance, then make your website page titles say something like "my weight loss success".

2. Meta Tags.

Too many people wrongly believe that website meta tags are no longer important. And I'll repeat: They are wrong. Meta tags may not have as much influence on your search engine rankings as they used to, but they are still used for a variety of things. And one thing they have a heavy influence on, is the type of AdSense ads which will be displayed on your website pages.

Just by putting a few, relevant keywords into a keyword meta tag on each of your website pages, you'll see a difference in the targeting of your AdSense ads. If you put several good, relevant keywords into a meta tag though, plus add a meta tag description for your website, you will see drastic differences in how well the ads are targeted. And often you'll see the newly targeted ads start showing up within minutes of making these small changes.

3. Header Tags.

The header tags used within your website are those which have H1, H2, H3 and so on around them. These are called header tags, and they are there to help with layout, formatting, and organization of a website page. The words you put into these tags however, have a major influence on the types of ads which are shown in your AdSense blocks. So be sure to use these tags wisely, and keep the content in them tightly focused to the theme or topic of your website page.

READ MORE - Secret of Adsense, How Getting Targeted Ads ?

Making Money 100 $ With AdSense from Your Blog


Blogging- At some point in your blogging career, you may be thinking "maybe I could make some money while I am blogging"! AdSense would be the easiest way to start earning money while you blog.

You could be pleasantly surprised how AdSense could easily help you achieve an income. AdSense would be one of the most powerful tools in a bloggers or a websites arsenal. If used correctly (no fraudulent activity) you could generate a very healthy income.

Those of us just starting out in a business and writing articles to submit to their blogs, could use Google AdSense, firstly because it is simple and proven solution that already pays thousands upon thousands of dollars to bloggers and website owners around the world.

Google would have to be the most well-known name on the internet. Google is reliable and trustworthy and upon receipt of your first cheque you too will trust them. Google AdSense has very excellent tracking statistics that allows publishers to track results across multiple sites. So rest assured, no matter how many sites you have Google AdSense can keep you up to date.
Your Google AdSense ads normally follow the type of content you are writing about or posting to your site.

Your Blog may have content about 'dogs' then you would then have a range of ads associated with dogs.

• Dogs
• Pet Supplies
• Dog Training

This is just an example.

Another item to remember, is trying to read trends. Banners and skyscrapers are not popular anymore, so it would be better to forget them. Internet surfers, as a rule ignore these types of ads as it really looks too much like an ad and are not really of interest.

Sometimes we have concerns about how the ads will look on our site. You can set the colour, size even text colour, where it is positioned. You have the control. Positioning your ads should be done with extreme care. As you will want your surfers to see your ads.

Now all you need to do is get as AdSense account and have a definite focus on what you would like to achieve. You will not need a degree to be able to set up an AdSense account.
How to get started:

Simple Steps

• Go to Google and sign up for an AdSense account. (Its Free!)

• Read the tutorial on the "How to". Follow the directions. They supply a snippet of Javascript to place on your blog or website.

• When you readers visit your blog or website, they will view ads that match the content of your site. No flashing Banners just Text ads and links.

• When your visitors click on the ad link, Google records the click and you get paid for it. (Normally a monthly cheque)

READ MORE - Making Money 100 $ With AdSense from Your Blog

Make 100 $ Everyday with Adsense Template


Ready made AdSense Templates are an answer to a prayer for many affiliate marketers. They realize that a very handsome income can be generated via this Google Adsense revenue source. Multiply the number of ad clicks you get on different pages of your website and it is easy to see how a residual monthly income can be obtained for relatively little effort.

Website publishers find this form of contextual advertising to be a fast and easy method to display relevent Google advertising on the content pages of their websites and earn revenue. Ready made Adsense Templates make this an even easier exercise, their optimal designs, relevant graphics and fully optimized ad block placements cuts out the workload of website creation.

The amount you will earn for clicks on your site will be dependent on how much the advertisers are willing to pay and the keywords. High demand keywords can earn you dollars per click, whilst low demand can be just a few cents, but even these can accumulate to be a reasonable sum of money with good traffic.

Start making profits from your AdSense Template websites:

1. Sign up and register for your Google Adsense account. This is a relatively simple process. You will need to have a website already in place for Google to approve you into their ad program, but don't worry, there is a fast and easy way to get an account approved.

Google has its own blogging service - Blogger.com http://www.blogger.com/ You can start a blog on Blogger.com with any topics you like - and it is completely free. Once your blog is created, post two or more related articles or posts on it. Wait for a day and then you can make a Google application using your Blogger Blog.

2. When your website is accepted, you will be able to log into your account and obtain some javascript code and publisher ID to incorporate into your website pages. Wherever you place the code is where the adverts will appear. Some HTML coding ability is needed to implement this if you are building your own website, but ready made Adsense Templates make this much easier with only needing you to simply insert your Google publisher ID.

3. You may start earning revenue as soon as your site is live and visitors begin clicking on your adverts, but be wary of "Click Fraud." Attempting to gain false revenue by clicking on your own ads will get your Google account closed and banned. Also any revenue already earned will be lost to you.

It may be a good idea to consider disabling ads for your own IP address and local geographic area. This will help to prevent your own click accidents and will not make Google mistake another user as you.

4. Check your click statistics from within your Google account. By keeping an eye on these you will be able to spot better performing ads or sites, and then focus on the more lucrative ones and push your income further.

So there you have it. With well designed, good quality, ready made Adsense Templates and original content you have an internet business earning an easy residual income.

READ MORE - Make 100 $ Everyday with Adsense Template

Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword - How Do I Find the Highest Paying Keywords?


You realize that Google AdSense has the ability to make you some decent extra income. And, actually you might begin to think like some others who have done it, that you can make a living off of AdSense revenue.

Some do make a full time income from AdSense. However, I would point out that they are in the minority. Regardless, you can make extra money by adding AdSense to your websites and blogs.

Many folks start their businesses with their passion or interests in mind and then just add AdSense to it which helps subsidize what they're making online otherwise. This is what the majority of people do.

Now, there are others who wish to aim higher and earn a living from AdSense. This is possible but you have to think smart and look for hot niches and markets. You also have to work harder or smarter to get the necessary traffic to your sites and blogs.

Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword

For those that are looking to maximize their income from AdSense without guessing as to what might profitable there is often a question around how to find the highest paying AdSense keywords.

How do you find them? Well interestingly enough their are other websites devoted to providing lists of top paying Google AdSense keywords. So you can check those out and see if they can help. Some may have outdated lists and other sites will have a product to sell you. This might be the best way to go and that will be up to you to choose.

If you don't have much cash to begin with or you just like to go on your own, then you create sites and blogs that have high paying keywords anyway. You just need to use head and look around and see what is popular and what sells. You'll be able to think of things almost instantly. A couple of examples are credit cards and cellphones. You know both are always in demand and with that said, advertisers will pay a lot to get a their ads out there.

I hope this has been helpful and good luck in your search.

READ MORE - Google AdSense Top Paying Keyword - How Do I Find the Highest Paying Keywords?

More Ways to Improve Your AdSense Earnings


One of the easiest ways to earn money from your website is through the use of AdSense. There is always more money in contacting advertisers directly and inviting them to put their ads on your site for a fee, but there is a fair amount of work in doing that, while AdSense, once set up properly requires minimum maintenance to earn a few dollars a day from a site or sites. Some site owners are getting hundreds of dollars a day from the AdSense ads they have placed on their websites. So what are these people doing differently from the rest?

Here are 5 time tested ways on how to maximize your AdSense earnings.

1. In the first instance try concentrating on just one AdSense ad format. One format which seems to work well for the most people is the Large Rectangle (336X280) format, which seems to translate into a click-through rate. Of course, if you are doing your testing of ads by using Google channels, and finding that the click-through rates are low, by all means change to a different format and see how that goes..

2. Try to choose a color integrates well with the general color scheme of your site. If your site has a white background, take out the default blue borders of the ad format. The general idea is to make the AdSense look like it is part of the page content. This technique should result in more clicks from people visiting your site. However, do not try to be too sneaky in disguising your ads, as you may be violating the Google terms of sale, and your AdSense ID will be deactivated, which means that you cannot have AdSense on any of your sites, not just the one which has caused the violation.

3. Don't put AdSense "below the fold" so that people have to scroll down to see them. Put them at the top, ideally at top left, where .people can see them as soon as they hit your landing page .Sometimes earnings can be greatly increased just by changing the position of your ads.

4. Try to get links to relevant websites. One way links if possible, but reciprocal links will do. Remember AdSense does look at the relevance of your links, so if you have a site on baby care, don't link to a site selling used cars.

5. See if your server supports SSI (server side included). SSL just means that you can save your AdSense code in a text file, upload it to your root directory, and, by using SSI, retrieve the code from other pages within your site. Means that you can change your AdSense format once (in the text file), and it will automatically change the format on every page. If your site is in the php format, you will be able to do this anyway, by changing the relevant file in the "include" folder.

These are some of the tips that have worked well in the past. It is also important to make sure that the ads are which displayed fit the interest of the visitors viewing the page and focus on a topic that persons will be already be viewing, i.e. the content of your web page.

Note that there will be plenty of competition for the same keywords as you, so you must do something different and make your returns better than everyone else's.

These tips are just basic guidelines for you to implement on your site. If they have worked well for other site owners, then perhaps they can work well for you At least give them a try and see if they bring any increase in your current earnings from AdSense.

READ MORE - More Ways to Improve Your AdSense Earnings

How Much Can I Earn From AdSense? 3 Tips to Earning More With AdSense


AdSense has been around for awhile now and there are a lot of website owners who use it to make extra income. And, there are others who almost use the method of collecting revenue from AdSense as their sole means of income online.

Now whether you are new to AdSense or have significant experience with it, you still may have ponder the question -- How Much Can I Earn From AdSense?

For those of you that are earning revenue from AdSense, you probably want to know how to increase your earnings.

Tips to earning more with AdSense

  1. Ensure that your webpages are focused on one particular topic per page. This doesn't mean that you can't have different topics on different pages but rather it is best to focus on one subject per page so that the AdSense ads that appear on that page are relevant to your topic.
  2. Create more websites and blogs thus increasing your exposure which will help bring in more visitors that will potentially click on your AdSense ads. Even if your primary business is what you wish to devote most of your time to, you can still create other small blogs and sites on things that you have an interest in.
  3. Location can be the key to success. Where you place your ads on your site can make a big difference. Some experts tout specific placement for maximum effect. And, it is important to not overdo it with the number of ads on your site. Just placing more ads on a page to get to maximum number can be a turn off for visitors.

These were just a few tips to help answer that question of how much can I earn from AdSense along with how to go about earning more.

READ MORE - How Much Can I Earn From AdSense? 3 Tips to Earning More With AdSense

Making Money With AdSense - How to Use Your Website to Make AdSense Money


There are thousands upon thousands of programs on the internet for making money, but there can be none as easy as Google AdSense. Google has an advertising program called AdWords that charges the advertiser every time a visitor clicks on their ad. These ads are put onto AdSense members' websites and you earn AdSense money every time someone clicks on an ad on your site. You are essentially helping Google publish their advertising and they pay you out of the AdWords money they earn.

Because the ads on your site have been matched to the content of your site, they are relevant to your visitors and actually add value to your site. Specialized technology allows Google to assess your website for context and content to make matching AdSense advertising a simple task. It is in everyone's interest to have well-matched ads appear on websites; the targeted traffic will be more likely to click on ads of interest and increase how much AdSense money everyone will make.

When you apply to join the AdSense program the content of your site will be assessed for originality and valuable information. Google will also be looking for the quantity of your content - new and original content appearing regularly on your site. Because AdSense relies on the numbers, your content and your ability for making money with AdSense are linked. You need to show that you intend to be around for a while and that you offer valuable information to visitors.

For AdSense to make money, there has to be a lot of traffic to your site, and this is another area Google will want to check before you are approved for membership. Google want maximum traffic to see their AdWords ads and so the volume of traffic you receive is a deciding factor.

There is no information about how much the AdWords pays per click, but you could expect a wide price range from.02c to about $15. How much money AdSense makes you will depend on your content and traffic, but this is a very simple way to add to your internet income.

READ MORE - Making Money With AdSense - How to Use Your Website to Make AdSense Money

Make Money Online With AdSense - 3 Useful Tips


The fastest way to start making money with AdSense is with an already established website. You see when you first put together a new website it takes a few months for the search engines to get your site completely cataloged and referenced. Just like Rome, you can't build a website and get a huge flow of traffic overnight. Be patient, good things come to those who wait.

1) If you need to make money immediately, this is not the right program for you. Don't just toss the idea that you can make money online with AdSense out the window if you are in this situation. Just put it on the back burner and get your cash flow going somewhere else first. Then return to getting started at making money from AdSense ads.

2) You don't have to do just one thing when you start making money online. Most webprenuers have more than one income stream in operation. You see the average small business on the Internet doesn't make thousands of dollars every month. By having a collection of different small income streams you have enough cash flow to earn a decent income.

3) Don't bite off more websites and blogs than you can chew. You need fresh content to keep your traffic coming back and to keep search engines referencing your pages as important places for search results placement. Make sure your content is loaded with great information and is original copy. Also be sure to do your research and plan your site properly and the money with follow.

READ MORE - Make Money Online With AdSense - 3 Useful Tips

How To Make Money With Google AdSense


Google AdSense is a Pay Per Click affiliate program which tens of thousands of webmasters use to make money from their websites and blogs. New internet marketers often confuse the AdSense program with Google's counterpart: AdWords. So let's summarize the difference between the two...

AdSense is the program which allows you to place Google Advertisements onto your website or blog, and each time one of your visitors clicks those ads, you make money into your Google AdSense account. Once you've earned at least $100 in clicks, Google will send you a check the following month.

AdWords is where those ads come from. Advertisers go to Google and sign up for the AdWords advertising program. They then create advertisements for their websites and products, and enter how much money per click they are willing to pay each time someone clicks on their ads. AdWords advertisers must pay Google money to keep those ads running. The money paid to Google by those advertisers, is what Google shares with AdSense publishers.

Now, making money with AdSense is fairly simple, but it's not always overly easy. In most cases, you have to generate a lot of traffic to your websites and blogs in order to earn a lot of money from AdSense, because sometimes you are only paid a few cents each time someone clicks an ad. There are a few topics however, which will let you earn $1 or sometimes even as much as $10, each time someone clicks an ad on your site, but these are becoming less common each year.

There are several ways to make money with AdSense, and they all tend to revolve around creating content on a website. The most popular way is to set up a free blog, and then put the AdSense code on that blog. Then you simply make one or more blog posts every day, and generate traffic to that site. Over time as your traffic grows, some of those visitors will click your ads and you'll make money.

The second popular way to make money with AdSense, is to create general information style websites. Some people create many sites with just five or ten articles on each, and some people create larger sites which might have twenty to fifty articles on them. Creating a huge website with hundreds or thousands of articles on it is an excellent way to make money from AdSense too, but that usually takes some time to set up.

These types of "static" websites tend to be popular because once you get the initial content in place, all you have to do is start generating traffic. Unlike a blog you don't usually have to update a static site often.

One other excellent way to make money from AdSense is to start a website that's based on a forum. Starting a forum about a popular topic can often bring thousands of visitors back to the site every day. And some of those visitors will click ads that interest them. It takes time to built up a lot of traffic and members to a forum, but it can be a very lucrative way to make money from AdSense once you've become established.

READ MORE - How To Make Money With Google AdSense